Match Report
Heath RUFC (57) vs West Park Leeds (0)
Saturday 22 October 2016
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Penalty Goals

Heath March on against WPL

Reporter: Steve Dawes
Dated: 30 November -0001
Team: 1 Barnes 6 Dawes 11 Wilkinson 2 Wilby 7 Owen 12 Barratt 3 Morley 8 Blackhall 13 Bruce 4 James 9 Cole 14 T Hinchcliffe 5 Hunter 10 Malik 15 Cockroft Replacements Whitworth Burbridge With WPL Ref having been called up for a league match at the last moment, their coach kindly offered to officiate, although the absence of a whistle and watch would not make his task any easier. The weather was dry and bright at the Stuart Lancaster’s WPL. Heath kicked off and immediately exerted pressure on the home forwards. An early knock on was quickly followed by a penalty to Heath, for going off their feet in a ruck. The visitors kicked for the lineout and showed a strong drive. The defence held strong though, and Leeds managed to turn the ball and mount a counter attack with a neat chip through, the chasing winger however was tackled into touch by Dawes, who had covered back. From the lineout, Heath cleared but the kick was returned into the arms of the excellent Cockroft. He ran it back, supported by Wilkinson, but WPL again stole the ball, though this time Cole was waiting to collect the kick, his clearance found touch about 10m out and setup a great opportunity for Heath to attack. Heath spoilt the throw and manage to drive WPL back, the ball made its way to Bruce who setup Barratt for a try under the posts, Cole took the extra points to move the score to 7 v 0. Heath again attacked via Bruce from the restart, Wilkinson found more space, he lost ball in contact but great pressure forced another WLP knock-on. Hunter picked up the ball from base of the scrum and forged into the home side's 22, but again possession was lost due to a knock on. The clearing kick was returned with interest by Cockroft, the chip through was cleared into touch by WPL. Hunter was lost to an ankle injury, continuing Heaths run of bad luck and he was replaced by Whitworth. The next 10 mins was dominated by WPL, their forwards setup several runs for the backs, but Heaths defence held fast. Barnes had a strong run, supported by Whitworth, the latter managing to kick the ball deep into the opponent’s half, he was prevented from collecting by WPL but the ball made its way to Malik and then Bruce. This attack was stopped by a knock on but Heath managed to reform from the lineout and great forward work set the platform for Morley and James to move Heath into an attacking position. James eventually found Cockroft outside him, for him to dive over for a well-deserved 2nd score. Again, Cole slotted the kick over 14 – 0. Heath, through Wilby, collected the kick-off but knocked on in contact, WPL cleared with a kick but then lost one of their front 3 to injury, and the game moved to uncontested scrums. WPL seemed to gain most advantage from this, again pressuring the line. Heath forwards tackled well with Blackhall receiving a ball straight into his face at one point. The ref blew for half time Half time came with the score 14 v 0. The 2nd half started very like the first although a whistle had now been provided by Heath. Early kicks were exchanged and returned by the Cole and Cockroft partnership. We then lost another forward, Barnes, to Injury and Burbridge took the field, with Wilkinson moving into the pack. Heath did not seem phased by this reorganisation, the pack drove through again, Dawes collected but was stopped just short of the line, though he managed to pop the ball to Wilkinson for his first try. The conversion also been successful, the score moved to 21 v 0. WPL were penalised for offside at the restart, James ran the ball into contact but we were penalised for not releasing, Heath manage to turn the resulting lineout into attacking ball, Barratt released Bruce who scored an excellent try by spinning over. With the extras, we moved to 28 v 0. Points were now flowing freely for Heath, and the next try was probably the move of the match. Wilkinson collected a kick, ran into the WPL half, passed to Wilby who then popped the ball to Cole, an excellent chip through was collected by “wing” Whitworth who scored right in the corner. This time the more difficult conversion was missed 33 v 0. In an almost identical move, Wilkinson returned a kick. In the ensuing ruck WPL were penalised for hands in the ruck, and then again for a dangerous tip tackle on Dawes. Malik took the tap penalty, then onto Bruce and finally Owen to press forward and score near the post, again conversion taken. 40 v 0. Cockroft, from the restart, saw his kick creep over the line allowing WPL to touch down for a 22, but James powered through to release the supporting Burbridge for his first try of the Season. 45 v 0. A rare WPL move ended when they passed the ball into touch, Heath's excellent lineout, collected the ball releasing Burbridge, he straightened the run up, to create space for Cockcroft to score his 2nd, the conversion was missed but the half century had been reached. There was just time for another well worked forward move to be finished off by Blackhall and then Morley for his first try, Cole finished off a great performance with the conversion 57 v 0



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