OBITUARY - It is with great sadness to hear that one of our oldest members, David Hanson
Brearley, known as 'Harry' sadly passed away at the beginning of the week.
He was born in 1941, attended Heath Grammar School between 1953 to 1960 and went on to attend
Durham University, before returning to the area where he taught at Whitclifffde Mount
Grammar School.
Harry played for Heath for many seasons and was captain for two seasons in
the mid sixties and Club Chairman from 1974 to 1985.
He was ,of course, one of those rugby Club members involved in the 1987 M6 crash which took the lives of six of the walking group, four of which were players from Heath.
A great character with many stories to tell and will be sadly missed by all at the club.
Details of the funeral arrangementts will be put on the website once details are received.